Termékek hegesztőgáz szállítás (158)

Rozwádás rozsdamentes acél MIG/MAG, TIG

Rozwádás rozsdamentes acél MIG/MAG, TIG

Spawanie stali kwasoodpornej MIG/MAG, TIG. Grubość do 20mm. Welding of carbon steel using MAG, MIG and TIG methods Low-alloy steels are alloys to which additional components have been added, such as manganese, chromium or nickel, in quantities not exceeding 2% of a single component. Considering the specific properties and intended use, we distinguish three groups of materials: steels with increased strength , low-alloy steels for power engineering and steels for thermal improvement. Carbon Steel Welding Procedures It is worth noting that the increase in the content of carbon and alloying elements worsens the weldability of steel and carries the risk of cold cracks. Before starting welding, our specialists will assess the weldability of steel based on the chemical composition and the Ce equivalent. On this basis, they will determine whether they are dealing with easily weldable steel, with limited weldability or difficult to weld. We also use the hardness criterion for the initial assessment of weldability. In the case of low-alloy steels with a higher carbon equivalent, we use specific technological measures, such as: increased linear arc energy, preheating and low-hydrogen welding processes.
Hegesztés - professzionális fémhegesztés

Hegesztés - professzionális fémhegesztés

La saldatura dei metalli è, in termini più semplici, il processo di saldatura dei metalli tra loro, realizzato mediante calore, surriscaldamento o l'utilizzo di un agente saldante. Ciascuna delle soluzioni citate si distingue per le diverse proprietà, che consentono di unire diversi tipi di materiali e di applicare la saldatura in un'area specifica e ben definita. Offriamo ai nostri clienti servizi completi in questo settore, in conformità con i più elevati standard internazionali. Presso la nostra sede, saldiamo con metodi MAG e TIG, in conformità con gli standard internazionali stabiliti dalla norma EN ISO 3834-2 per la saldatura di materiali metallici e dalla norma EN ISO 1090-2. Saldiamo sia acciaio nero che acciaio inossidabile. Realizziamo costruzioni fino alla classe EXC3. Possediamo oltre 70 qualifiche di saldatura WPQR secondo la norma EN ISO 15614. I nostri saldatori sono qualificati per saldare con i metodi: MAG 135 - MAG 136 - TIG 141 -
Hegesztés az ipar számára - Hegesztési konstrukció az ipar számára: vasúti/kémiai/offshore/tengeri/HVAC/energia

Hegesztés az ipar számára - Hegesztési konstrukció az ipar számára: vasúti/kémiai/offshore/tengeri/HVAC/energia

Base Group is the first manufacturing company in Poland to have successfully launched an electronic system for welding process management. Our system oversees welding of steel structures for power industry, offshore construction welding, structures for customers from the railway industry and welding of structures for the chemical industry. This is actually our next step into Industry 4.0. The electronic system for welding process management is a solution to be used from the first stage of planning the welding work, through coordination of welding the structures, up to the final stage of project reporting. Since we have implemented the electronic system for management of the welding process, the following have been completed with its support: – heat exchangers, – flanges for high voltage line insulators, – supporting structures for high voltage insulators, – frames for fans of engine cooling systems, – foundations for marine engines, – refrigerating container for locomotives, – tanks
Betonacél szerkezetek

Betonacél szerkezetek

Wykonujemy konstrukcje przestrzenne ze stali zbrojeniowej m.in pale budowlane Franki i CFA oraz koszy szczelinowych - ścian.
Rozsdamentes acél hegesztése - Rozsdamentes acél hegesztése

Rozsdamentes acél hegesztése - Rozsdamentes acél hegesztése

Spawanie stali nierdzewnej
Könnyű szerkezetek és acél alkatrészek kovácsolása és hegesztése - Acél és fémek kovácsolási/hegesztési/hajlítási szolgáltatásai

Könnyű szerkezetek és acél alkatrészek kovácsolása és hegesztése - Acél és fémek kovácsolási/hegesztési/hajlítási szolgáltatásai

Francke-art posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w obróbce na gorąco stali i metali. Oferujemy m.in. usługi spawania oraz kucia małych i średnich konstrukcji i elementów stalowych, gięcie rur i profili.
Kombinált technológiák: splicing, ragasztás, hegesztés,... - Szilikon- és gumitermékek

Kombinált technológiák: splicing, ragasztás, hegesztés,... - Szilikon- és gumitermékek

Gasket in the form of a framework and as sealing rings are made, inter alia, of rubber and silicone profiles and molded fittings, including the use of metal inserts and reinforcements, valves and others. They offer almost unlimited possibilities of applications. Combined parts are e.g. produced using traditional techniques or spliced by high pressure and temperature, providing optimized strength of the connections and also the flexibility of the weld. For profile gaskets see more and more…
Építés - Hegesztés és festés

Építés - Hegesztés és festés

Material S235, powder coating.
hegesztett bútorok

hegesztett bútorok

welded furniture
Automatikus hegesztés (hegesztőrobot) - Nagy tételek hegesztése

Automatikus hegesztés (hegesztőrobot) - Nagy tételek hegesztése

Automatic welding - welding robot. Batches of parts - welding and machining




Filtr IF WELDING FILTER przeznaczony jest do stanowisk spawalniczych. Łączą w sobie odpylacz ze zintegrowanym wentylatorem. Filtr wyposażony jest w system szybkiego zbierania pyłu. Dodatkową zaletą jest możliwość transportu urządzenia wózkiem widłowym.
Acéloszlopok Kerítésekhez és Kapukhoz - Hegesztett profilok, amelyeket kerítések és kapuk gyártásában használnak.

Acéloszlopok Kerítésekhez és Kapukhoz - Hegesztett profilok, amelyeket kerítések és kapuk gyártásában használnak.

Stalowe słupki do zacisków montażowych stosowanych w przemysłowych stystemach ogrodzeń panelowych, produkowane są zgodnie z normą PN-EN 10305-5:2011, zabezpieczone antykorozyjnie, ocynkowane DX51+ Z 275 z zasypem Zastosowanie: Nasze profile zgrzewane mają szerokie zastosowanie w produkcji ogrodzeń i bram. Cechują się wysoką wytrzymałością i odpornością na korozję. Wykonujemy długości zgodnie z indywidualnym zamówieniem klienta.
Két rétegű hegesztett szőnyegek - HELY SZŐNYEGEK

Két rétegű hegesztett szőnyegek - HELY SZŐNYEGEK

The print is made directly on 0.3mm PVC foil, which is then welded along the edges with a grey 1.2 mm micro-rubber, ensuring comfortable use.
Indukciós hegesztés

Indukciós hegesztés

Induction welding
Hegesztés - professzionális fémhegesztés

Hegesztés - professzionális fémhegesztés

Metallsvetsning är, enkelt uttryckt, en process där metaller svetsas samman med hjälp av värme, överhettning eller svetsmedel. Var och en av dessa lösningar har olika egenskaper, vilket gör att olika typer av material kan sammanfogas och att svetsning kan tillämpas inom ett specifikt, väldefinierat område. Vi erbjuder våra kunder heltäckande tjänster inom detta område i enlighet med högsta internationella standard. I våra lokaler svetsar vi med MAG- och TIG-metoder i enlighet med de internationella standarderna EN ISO 3834-2 för svetsning av metalliska material och EN ISO 1090-2. Vi svetsar både svart och rostfritt stål. Vi utför konstruktioner upp till EXC3-klass. Vi har över 70 WPQR-svetsbehörigheter enligt EN ISO 15614. Våra svetsare är kvalificerade att svetsa med metoderna: MAG 135 - bågsvetsning med solid tråd i aktivt gasskydd. MAG 136 - Bågsvetsning med pulvertråd i aktivt gaskåpa. TIG 141 - Svetsning med icke smältbar volframelektrod i skydd av inert gas.
Hegesztés - Professzionális Fémhegesztés

Hegesztés - Professzionális Fémhegesztés

Unter Metallschweißen versteht man, das Zusammenschweißen von Metallen durch Wärme, Überhitzung oder mit Hilfe eines Schweißmittels. Jede der vorgenannten Lösungen zeichnet sich durch unterschiedliche Eigenschaften aus, die es ermöglichen, verschiedene Arten von Materialien zu verbinden und das Schweißen in einem bestimmten, genau definierten Bereich anzuwenden. Wir bieten unseren Kunden in diesem Bereich umfassende Dienstleistungen nach den höchsten internationalen Standards. In unserem Werk schweißen wir mit MAG- und WIG-Verfahren nach den internationalen Normen EN ISO 3834-2 für das Schweißen von metallischen Werkstoffen und EN ISO 1090-2. Wir schweißen sowohl schwarzen als auch rostfreien Stahl. Wir führen Konstruktionen bis zur Klasse EXC3 aus. Wir verfügen über 70 WPQR-Schweißprüfungen nach EN ISO 15614. Unsere Schweißer sind für die folgenden Schweißverfahren qualifiziert: MAG 135 - Lichtbogenschweißen mit Massivdraht in Aktivgasummantelung. MAG 136 - WIG 141 -
Acél Szerkezetek Hegesztése

Acél Szerkezetek Hegesztése

Vårt företag uppfyller kvalitetskraven i PN-EN 1090-1 på svetsning av metallmaterial och är certifierat för kvalitetssäkring vid svetsning enligt ISO 3834-2 Våra svetsare har kompetens för svetsning med följande svetsmetoder: MAG-svetsning 135 – aktivgasmetallbågsvetsning MAG-svetsning 136 – med slaggande rörelektrod MAG-svetsning 138 – med metallpulverfylld rörelektrod SAW 121 - pulverbågsvetsning med trådelektrod
Alumínium hegesztés MIG/MAG, TIG

Alumínium hegesztés MIG/MAG, TIG

Spawanie MIG aluminium do Grubość do 20mm. We specialize in metal joining services. The welding offer is aimed at both private customers and entrepreneurs who want to obtain the highest quality welded joints. Our employees have the necessary certificates confirming their authorization to perform this type of service. Our offer includes, among others: aluminum welding , welding of stainless steel materials, welding of carbon steel and cast iron using MAG, MIG and TIG methods, coated electrode welding (MMA). We also use other methods. We approach each order with great commitment and make every effort to fully satisfy the Client. We use modern devices that allow welding of heavy and massive structures made of various types of steel. We have appropriately adapted welding stations and an overhead crane, thanks to which we can connect large and heavy elements. Home pageSeparatorWelding services Aluminum weldingSeparator welded aluminum angle Aluminum welding Aluminum is a metal with low mass and high strength, which is characterized by high corrosion resistance. Low price and possibility of recycling make it widely used in industrial, electronic and automotive sectors. In order to fully use the potential of this material, it is necessary to ensure proper welding . Using our services, you can be sure that the weld will be durable, resistant to cracks and free from defects. Aluminum welding – methods We weld aluminum using alternating current (AC). The metal has a relatively low melting point, which makes joining it not the easiest. Before starting the procedure, we always determine whether we are dealing with a pure element or casting alloys. Very often, admixtures play a key role in selecting the right operating parameters. Arflex Construction specialists most often perform MIG and TIG welding. Both methods require the use of a neutral shielding gas. MIG is used in welding metals with a thickness greater than 1 mm. In turn, TIG can be used when welding very thin sheets of aluminum. For this purpose, we use a non-consumable tungsten electrode with an inert gas shield, which is characterized by a very high melting point, and the arc is lit in a stable manner. When choosing the TIG method, it is worth using alternating current, which allows you to keep the weld pool clean and easily remove metal oxides formed on the metal surface.
Hardox hegesztés

Hardox hegesztés

Spawanie Hardox. Grubość do 20mm. Welding of carbon steel using MAG, MIG and TIG methods Low-alloy steels are alloys to which additional components have been added, such as manganese, chromium or nickel, in quantities not exceeding 2% of a single component. Considering the specific properties and intended use, we distinguish three groups of materials: steels with increased strength , low-alloy steels for power engineering and steels for thermal improvement. Carbon Steel Welding Procedures It is worth noting that the increase in the content of carbon and alloying elements worsens the weldability of steel and carries the risk of cold cracks. Before starting welding, our specialists will assess the weldability of steel based on the chemical composition and the Ce equivalent. On this basis, they will determine whether they are dealing with easily weldable steel, with limited weldability or difficult to weld. We also use the hardness criterion for the initial assessment of weldability. In the case of low-alloy steels with a higher carbon equivalent, we use specific technological measures, such as: increased linear arc energy, preheating and low-hydrogen welding processes.
Fekete acél MIG/MAG hegesztés

Fekete acél MIG/MAG hegesztés

Spawanie stali czarnej MIG/MAG, Grubość do 40mm We specialize in metal joining services. The welding offer is aimed at both private customers and entrepreneurs who want to obtain the highest quality welded joints. Our employees have the necessary certificates confirming their authorization to perform this type of service. Our offer includes, among others: aluminum welding , welding of stainless steel materials, welding of carbon steel and cast iron using MAG, MIG and TIG methods, coated electrode welding (MMA). We also use other methods. We approach each order with great commitment and make every effort to fully satisfy the Client. We use modern devices that allow welding of heavy and massive structures made of various types of steel. We have appropriately adapted welding stations and an overhead crane, thanks to which we can connect large and heavy elements.
Energia - Hegesztett Szerkezetek

Energia - Hegesztett Szerkezetek

Spawane konstrukcje dla energetyki
Rozsdamentes acél hegesztése ötvözött (fekete) acélhoz. - Rozsdamentes acél hegesztés

Rozsdamentes acél hegesztése ötvözött (fekete) acélhoz. - Rozsdamentes acél hegesztés

Kobamet is a trusted partner! Welding stainless steel is a demanding process. Potential deformation and cracking of welds can be a challenge. But not for us! Feel free to contact us! We will make an individual quote for stainless steel welding: sheets, pipes, orifices, tees, stainless elbows, balustrades and much more. We will determine the possibilities and deadline for a one-off or serial order on the basis of: documentation, type and degree of complexity of the elements to be machined, expectations as to the result, detailed guidelines. Our main goal is to provide services of the highest quality and tailored to the individual needs of the client. Our experience and professionalism put us in a leading position in the stainless steel processing industry in Poland and abroad! Welding stainless steel comprehensively and professionally We also weld stainless steel to alloyed (black) steel.
Építési szerkezetek hegesztése - építési szerkezetek

Építési szerkezetek hegesztése - építési szerkezetek

BOR-TECH jest zaufanym partnerem w branży konstrukcji stalowych, oferującym kompleksowy zakres usług dostosowanych do potrzeb różnych projektów budowlanych. Specjalizując się w konstrukcjach spawanych, obróbce konstrukcji oraz zbrojeniu, nasze doświadczenie zapewnia trwałość i precyzję każdego projektu. Doskonalimy się również w projektowaniu i montażu konstrukcji stalowych, w tym hal przemysłowych i szkieletów budowlanych.
Építési szerkezetek hegesztése - Hegesztés

Építési szerkezetek hegesztése - Hegesztés

BOR-TECH is a trusted partner in the steel structures industry, offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the needs of various construction projects. Specializing in welding constructions, machining constructions, and reinforcement, our expertise ensures the durability and precision of every project. We also excel in the design and assembly of steel structures, including industrial halls and building frameworks.l
Rozsdamentes acél hegesztése - Acél hegesztése

Rozsdamentes acél hegesztése - Acél hegesztése

We take a broad view of tooling rustless steel, including welding corrosion resistant steel. We complete orders for welding acid-resistant steel with the MIG, MAG, TIG methods on time and at the highest quality.We use professional devices by KEMPPI. Our team are the best professionals with proper welding licences! We cooperate with a firm dealing with supervision of welding. Thus, our customers avoid investing in expensive devices and making room for welding stainless steel. We meet 100% expectations of our customers both with the aesthetics of welds in rustless steel of various thickness, shape and use.
Vastag falú munkadarabok csiszolása, beleértve a hegesztési utómunkálatokat - Csiszolás

Vastag falú munkadarabok csiszolása, beleértve a hegesztési utómunkálatokat - Csiszolás

Feel free to contact us! We will make an individual quote for stainless steel welding: sheets, pipes, orifices, tees, stainless elbows, balustrades and much more. We will determine the possibilities and deadline for a one-off or serial order on the basis of: documentation, type and degree of complexity of the elements to be machined, expectations as to the result, detailed guidelines. Our main goal is to provide services of the highest quality and tailored to the individual needs of the client. Our experience and professionalism put us in a leading position in the stainless steel processing industry in Poland and abroad! Welding stainless steel comprehensively and professionally We also weld stainless steel to alloyed (black) steel
Egyedi rozsdamentes acél hegesztés - A könyök csiszolása belső spigottal Ra<0,8!

Egyedi rozsdamentes acél hegesztés - A könyök csiszolása belső spigottal Ra<0,8!

Feel free to contact us! We will make an individual quote for stainless steel welding: sheets, pipes, orifices, tees, stainless elbows, balustrades and much more. We will determine the possibilities and deadline for a one-off or serial order on the basis of: documentation, type and degree of complexity of the elements to be machined, expectations as to the result, detailed guidelines. Our main goal is to provide services of the highest quality and tailored to the individual needs of the client. Our experience and professionalism put us in a leading position in the stainless steel processing industry in Poland and abroad! Welding stainless steel comprehensively and professionally We also weld stainless steel to alloyed (black) steel.
Ipari szerkezetek hegesztése - az ISO 3834 szerint

Ipari szerkezetek hegesztése - az ISO 3834 szerint

Base Group to wykonawca konstrukcji przemysłowych. Specjalizujemy się w tradycyjnym i zrobotyzowanym spawaniu aluminium, stali nierdzewnej i stali czarnej. Spawanie wykonujemy zgodnie z międzynarodowymi standardami określonymi w normie ISO 3834-2. Na zamówienie Klienta dostarczamy konstrukcje przemysłowe wyprodukowane zgodnie z normą EN 1090-2, EN 1090-3 oraz EN 15085-2.
Rozsdamentes acél feldolgozása. - acél- és fémmunkák

Rozsdamentes acél feldolgozása. - acél- és fémmunkák

We deal with the complex processing of stainless steel. You can order professional stainless steel welding from us! We carry out stainless steel welding orders by MIG, MAG, TIG method on time and with the highest quality. We work with professional KEMPPI equipment and the team consists of the best professionals with welding qualifications! By using the services of professionals, every customer gains, as they do not have to invest in expensive equipment and preparation of a special place for welding stainless steel. We meet customer expectations in terms of both durability and aesthetics of welds on stainless steel of different thicknesses, shapes and purposes. Welding stainless steel comprehensively and professionally We also weld stainless steel to alloyed (black) steel.